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May 11, 2016


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I LOVE all the bright colors in your new space! And the black and white pattern on the umbrella is a fantastic way to add in neutrals with pattern. Have fun spending time in your new space this summer!

Morgane @ Bear, Dolly and Moi

Super cute and colorful, such a great space!


Oh my gosh. It's a party waiting to happen! That light fixture is adorable and looks like something very expensive. You are so smart. I love all the colors...don't I always say that to you? It's beautiful friend.

Lisa @ferncreekcottage

The space is perfect for summertime fun and relaxing! Love the umbrella! It goes so nicely with your furniture. That little birdie pillow is just too cute! Great job with everything despite the crazy weather!


Love it all!!


It all looks so beautiful and so darn happy! You just need to kick back now and have a drink with a little umbrella in it!


I love this colorful outdoor space. this is so refreshing and out of the box.


I agree, love all the colors and patterns in your outdoor space! Congrats and CHEERS to us for another room done!


Such a pretty and happy outdoor space!
Thanks for joining us at TOHOT!

Laura Ingalls Gunn

Oh my stars and garters it looks fabulous! I adore the fabric and the sunny yellow tables. Thank you so much for linking up to Thoughts of Home on Thursday. You make our gathering a happier place.


Beautiful....I tried using umbrellas out here in West Texas and we just have so much wind, I could open it only rarely....your space is really nice.

Erin @ Lemons, Lavender, & Laundry

I just love how fun and cheery this space is. So perfect for outdoors by the pool. You did a wonderful job!


Andrea, your patio looks so festive and fun! The colors are awesome! Hopefully, you're getting a chance to enjoy it. We've had so much rain lately. I can only imagine the great times out there!


Loving all the colours! Beautifully designed ♥



Oh my, it's so pretty and bright! I love it! I have that same blue and white owl and I love him. I'm now following you. Hope you've had a great summer!

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